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Holistic Sleep Coaching

What does holistic mean?

Holistic is defined as: – the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.


As a Holistic sleep coach, I believe that a child’s sleep cannot be looked at in isolation but needs to be considered in the context of the family life that goes on around them.

Every child is different and has their unique temperament, personality and needs. Similarly, you are different from other parents. You have your own goals, needs and family demands.


Your sleep situation is highly personal to you and is only a problem if you see it as a problem. Holistic means I do not use a one solution fits all approach. Through meeting and getting to know each other, we will produce a plan that you have chosen to be achievable, acceptable and realistic for your situation and needs.


I am an NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor, so understand how breastfeeding and sleep interact. I offer breastfeeding friendly sleep suggestions if required.

Sleep: About

What techniques are used?

By the time you choose to contact me you will probably have spent time browsing the internet looking for help and received lots of well-meaning advice from friends and family. Even with all this advice and ‘helpful’ suggestions available, you probably still feel confused. Receiving so much conflicting advice it becomes hard to decide what to do, and you might even feel overwhelmed and even more unsure of what is best.


I probably won’t be telling you something you haven’t read, but explaining how sleep works, what evidence shows is 'normal', how to make sleep training methods applicable to your family situation, and giving you the confidence that your sleep will improve.


All the sleep training methods I suggest are evidence based and offer win-win solutions where sleep will improve, and your child will receive the love and closeness they are craving.


I do not use or recommend sleep training methods that allow your baby/child to cry alone.

Sleep: About

Support options

From before birth to 10 years


Antenatal Preparation/New baby Session - £50 online, £60 in person

Suitable from before birth until 6 weeks

Approximately 2 hours

This 1:1, two hour session is ideal if you want to get off to a positive start and offer your baby a loving way to encourage good sleeping habits. Suitable from before birth until about 3 months.

Topics include: –

  • Sleep Biology

  • Feeding and Sleep

  • What is normal?

  • Encouraging good sleep habits

  • How to plan a bedtime routine

  • How to maximise your own sleep

  • Common sleep problems and how to resolve them.

  • Safe sleep

  • Opportunity to ask questions


Older New Baby Session - £50 online, £60 in person

Up to six months of age

Approximately 2 hours

Suitable for babies 6 months and younger.

Babies of this age are not ready to start sleep training, but you still might be worried about their sleep, or you might want to prepare them for when they are ready to sleep more independently.

This session is designed for you to be able to talk over any worries or questions you have, and to discuss ways you can gently start preparing your baby for a sleep routine.


Sleep Counselling Session - £50 online, £60 in person

Suitable for babies and children over 6 months

Approximately 2/3 hours


I offer these individually booked sleep sessions to give you the opportunity to talk over the sleep issues you are facing, and decide what to work on, one thing at a time.


Booking a sleep consultation that requires an overhaul of you whole day and night can seem overwhelming, and may feel unachievable. By offering short sessions that can be booked individually, one at a time, it gives you the opportunity to decide what to work on first, and to work at a pace which is right for you. 


I believe that you are able to make decisions and changes to support yourself and your child to get the sleep you all need. Most of the time I find people already have ideas of what they would like to do, but don't know how to begin. This session gives you the opportunity to talk through the issues you are having, voice ideas, receive input from a trained coach, and decide how to move forward.


Many people find that just talking through their sleep with someone, getting some reassurance and suggestions is all they need.


You will hopefully leave this session feeling supported, heard and clearer on how you plan to move forward.


You have the opportunity to book subsequent sessions as required, or you can book me as a postnatal doula to spend some time with you and your child as you implement the strategies  you have decided on.

Sleep: Services
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